Counseling & Psychotherapy

Counseling & Psychotherapy


More about EMDR and how it works in therapy


I've heard of EMDR, but what exactly is it?

How does EMDR work?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an interactive psychotherapy technique used to relieve psychological stress. Specifically, EMDR addresses the issues involving the past, present and future by targeting past experiences, current triggers and future challenges, resulting in alleviation of present symptoms, improved self-worth, relief from physical distress and resolution of future triggers.

How can EMDR help?

EMDR therapy helps people link triggers to disturbing memories- and through processing, desensitizes them. Individuals are thus deconditioned to triggers while adaptation of new information takes place. This processing allows emotions that were once suppressed to be worked through and therefore hold less weight. New awareness of maladaptive behaviors and negative beliefs unfold and healthy, effective and more adaptive behaviors and cognitions result.  EMDR therapy does not require talking in detail about the distressing issues or completing homework between sessions. It’s focus is on the body, therefore allowing the brain to resume it’s natural healing process. For many clients, EMDR therapy can be completed in fewer sessions than other forms of psychotherapy. 

Trauma Comes In Many Forms

Many people experience a traumatic event at some point in their lives, often without realizing it until years later. While traumatic experiences frequently involve life-threatening events, any situation that leaves you feeling alone or overwhelmed can be traumatic. It’s possible to forget or repress a traumatic experience until something else-such as conflict in a relationship, work stressor, or major world event associated with what happened-triggers it. If you experienced abuse or neglect as a child you may experience anxiety, low self-esteem and relationship problems. Symptoms that may come up as a result of trauma are actually very natural responses to an abnormal situation.

Do You Find Yourself Struggling With...

Hopelessness about the future


Anxiety, fear and panic attacks

Shock and denial

Emotional outbursts

Guilt and shame

Difficulty maintaining close relationships

Emotional numbness

Mood swings, anger and irritability 

Social isolation 

Difficulty sleeping

Imagine if You Could...

Reconnect to the people you love

No longer be on edge

Feel Rested and reenergized

Create better boundaries

Understand your thoughts and feelings

Feel like yourself 

Trust people again

Feel safe in your body

Learn tools to manage stress and trauma 

It is Possible to Feel Better

Although the pain of trauma can feel difficult and isolating, you are not alone or weak for what you are experiencing. Trauma is treatable. EMDR therapy can help.

You Should Consider EMDR in Colorado if You:

Feel stuck in traditional therapy

Suffered a trauma that continues to affect your day to day life

Feel triggered but can’t seem to move past it

Also struggle with depression, anxiety or addiction

Begin EMDR Therapy in Colorado at Empathic Counseling and Psychotherapy

You deserve to enjoy life without the past controlling your future. You can feel more at peace at my Denver, Colorado practice. Contact me today.