Counseling & Psychotherapy

Counseling & Psychotherapy


In-clinic sessions

I am currently seeing clients both in person and virtually. 

remote sessions

Thankfully remote sessions have been a lifeline for many of us. I will continue to offer remote sessions for the foreseeable future.


Services Provided

Individual Therapy

If you have been struggling with issues around self-worth, confidence or relationships you most likely have experienced some form of anxiety or depression. Many of the clients I work with have an easier time explaining what their symptoms look like without always knowing the cause. Individual therapy, tailored to you, can help you understand what’s at the root, helping you move forward and feel better for the long-term.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an interactive psychotherapy technique used to relieve psychological stress. Specifically, EMDR addresses the issues involving the past, present and future by targeting past experiences, current triggers and future challenges, resulting in alleviation of present symptoms, improved self-worth, relief from physical distress and resolution of future triggers.

EMDR therapy helps people link triggers to disturbing memories- and through processing, desensitizes them. Individuals are thus deconditioned to triggers while adaptation of new information takes place. This processing allows emotions that were once suppressed to be worked through and therefore hold less weight. New awareness of maladaptive behaviors and negative beliefs unfold and healthy, effective and more adaptive behaviors and cognitions result. 

EMDR therapy does not require talking in detail about the distressing issues or completing homework between sessions. It’s focus is on the body, therefore allowing the brain to resume it’s natural healing process. For many clients, EMDR therapy can be completed in fewer sessions than other forms of psychotherapy. 

Autism Spectrum Disorder

As a person with ASD, it’s likely you’re more than equipped at handling certain aspects of life, but need help in others. You may be highly intelligent and have a successful career, but still struggle to truly connect socially and emotionally. Learning how to cope with and manage ASD is important for achieving and maintaining optimal functioning and having a plan of action is imperitive for success. A rewarding and fulfilling life with ASD is possible. Through increased understanding, awareness and accountability, you can thrive. 

Treatment Specialties

Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of life. We’ve all experienced it. But, perpetual anxiety can have a significant impact on your self-esteem, relationships, work performance and social life. It can hold you back from your goals and keep you stuck in a vicious cycle of uncertainty and doubt.


Many of us can relate, at one time or another, to having self-sabotaging thoughts. Thoughts that we will never be acknowledged or appreciated can weigh us down, creating feelings of self-consciousness, anxiety and social isolation.


Healthy relationships represent one of the critical aspects of the human experience. Relationships, whether with family, friends or partners, have a significant impact on our sense of self and how we relate to others.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

ASD is not about being inadequate, deficient or impaired. It’s about having differences. Adults with late diagnosis ASD (or commonly referred to as Asperger's) have a unique way of seeing things and their solutions to life’s challenges are different, not wrong.

Substance Abuse

It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed when trying to give up or moderate a substance. Despite the inevitable health issues, financial costs and social consequences, the idea of living without them can be intimidating, leading to continued use and further frustration.